////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Init color-list for RTE function RTE_getColors() { hexChars = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F']; colors = []; // Loop color-channels for(r=0;r<16;r+=3) { for(g=0;g<16;g+=3) { for(b=0;b<16;b+=3) { color = hexChars[r]+hexChars[r]+hexChars[g]+hexChars[g]+hexChars[b]+hexChars[b]; // Push value (without Hash!) colors.push(color); // Push name colors.push('#'+color); } } } // Reorder colors colorsOrdered = []; colorsOrdered = colorsOrdered.concat(colors.slice(0,36)); colorsOrdered = colorsOrdered.concat(colors.slice(72,108)); colorsOrdered = colorsOrdered.concat(colors.slice(144,180)); colorsOrdered = colorsOrdered.concat(colors.slice(216,252)); colorsOrdered = colorsOrdered.concat(colors.slice(288,324)); colorsOrdered = colorsOrdered.concat(colors.slice(360,396)); colorsOrdered = colorsOrdered.concat(colors.slice(36,72)); colorsOrdered = colorsOrdered.concat(colors.slice(108,144)); colorsOrdered = colorsOrdered.concat(colors.slice(180,216)); colorsOrdered = colorsOrdered.concat(colors.slice(252,288)); colorsOrdered = colorsOrdered.concat(colors.slice(324,360)); colorsOrdered = colorsOrdered.concat(colors.slice(396,432)); return colorsOrdered; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DAILOG page-select: Set click handler to pages in tree function RTE_pageTreeClick() { $('A.CMM_treeLabel','#CMM_adminPageSelectRTE').on('click',function(e){ // Prevent regular click e.preventDefault(); // Seiten-ID aus Link ermitteln pageSelectString = $(this).attr('href').match(/CMM_page=(\d+)/i); pageSelectID = pageSelectString[1]; //alert(pageSelectID); // Seiten-ID an RTE-Browser-Dialog zurueck geben RTE_returnPageID(pageSelectID); }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DAILOG page-select: Callback for page-click function RTE_returnPageID(URL) { top.tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.getParams().oninsert(URL); top.tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.close(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DAILOG icon-select: Realisze search function RTE_createIconSearch() { // Set dialog container var iconDialog = $('#CMM_adminIconSelectRTE'); $('#iconSearch',iconDialog).on('keyup', function() { // Clear result list $('.CMM_adminIconSelectSearch UL',iconDialog).empty(); // Search for matching icons if($(this).val().length >= 2) { // Get matching icons var tempIcons = $('.CMM_adminIconSelectList I[title*="'+$(this).val()+'"]',iconDialog); // Loop icon list tempIcons.each(function(index,elem) { // Check if icon with same class is already in result list if($('.CMM_adminIconSelectSearch I[class*="'+$(elem).attr('class')+'"]',iconDialog).length==0) { $(elem).parent().clone(true).appendTo('.CMM_adminIconSelectSearch UL',iconDialog); } }); // Hide list if($('.CMM_adminIconSelectList',iconDialog).is(":visible")) { $('.CMM_adminIconSelectList',iconDialog).css('display','none'); } } else { // Show list if($('.CMM_adminIconSelectList',iconDialog).is(":visible") == false) { $('.CMM_adminIconSelectList',iconDialog).css('display','block'); } } }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DAILOG icon-select: Set click handler to icons in tree function RTE_iconSelectClick() { // Set dialog container var iconDialog = $('#CMM_adminIconSelectRTE'); $('LI I',iconDialog).on('click',function(e){ // Prevent regular click e.preventDefault(); // Seiten-ID aus Link ermitteln iconTag = ' '; // alert(iconTag); // Seiten-ID an RTE-Browser-Dialog zurueck geben RTE_returnIconTag(iconTag); }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DAILOG icon-select: Callback for icon-click function RTE_returnIconTag(iconTag) { top.tinymce.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, iconTag); top.tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.close(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Init RTE function CMM_initRTE(RTEs) { RTEs.tinymce({ script_url: "tinymce/tinymce.min.js", content_css: [ "https://www.seniorenwerk.de/CMM/tinymce/css/content.css", "https://www.seniorenwerk.de/CMM/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" ], theme: "modern", convert_urls: false, language: "de", schema: "html5", skin: "lightgray", border: true, height: 200, entity_encoding: "named", allow_script_urls: true, entities: "160,nbsp,162,cent,8364,euro,163,pound,173,shy", extended_valid_elements: "@[itemprop|itemscope|itemtype|style|class|id|href|target|rel|accesskey|tabindex|title|alt|name|onclick|onmouseover|onmouseout|onchange|onblur|onkeyup|onkeypress],article,section,header,footer,video,audio,figure,img,picture,div,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,hr,input,select,textarea,ul,ol,li,dl,dd,dt,span,i,a,b,em,strong,small,big,time[datetime]", file_browser_callback: function(field_name, url, type, win) { currentFieldValue = win.document.getElementById(field_name).value; var cmsURL = 'wizards/wizard-RTE-browser.php?type='+type+'&url='+url+'&field_name='+field_name+'&CMM_pageSelected='+currentFieldValue; tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.open({ url : cmsURL, width : 420, height: 420, title: 'Browser', resizable : true }, { oninsert: function(url) { win.document.getElementById(field_name).value = url; } }); }, menubar: false, plugins: "advlist anchor autolink charmap code colorpicker contextmenu emoticons hr image layer link lists media nonbreaking pagebreak paste preview print searchreplace table template textcolor visualblocks visualchars wordcount shy CMM_fontawesome", toolbar1: "styleselect formatselect styleprops forecolor | insertfile undo redo | code visualchars | template", toolbar2: "bold italic underline strikethrough superscript subscript | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent blockquote hr shy", toolbar3: "cut copy paste cleanup removeformat | link unlink anchor table layer image media charmap CMM_fontawesome | cite abbr acronym del ins attribs", textcolor_cols: 18, textcolor_rows: 18, textcolor_map: RTE_getColors(), formats: { alignleft: { selector: "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,p,ul,ol,li,table,img", classes: "alignLeft" }, alignright: { selector: "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,p,ul,ol,li,table,img", classes: "alignRight" }, aligncenter: { selector: "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,p,ul,ol,li,table,img", classes: "alignCenter" }, alignjustify: { selector: "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,p,ul,ol,li,table,img", classes: "alignJustify" } }, style_formats: [ { title: "Container", items: [ { title: "Initial", inline: "span", classes: "dropcap" }, { title: "Unternehmen", selector: "p", classes: "boxCompany" }, { title: "Person", selector: "p", classes: "boxPerson" }, { title: "Adresse", selector: "p", classes: "boxAddress" }, { title: "Kontakt", selector: "p", classes: "boxContact" }, { title: "Internet", selector: "p", classes: "boxInternet" }, { title: "Datum", selector: "p", classes: "boxDate" }, { title: "Zeit", selector: "p", classes: "boxTime" } ] }, { title: "Colors", items: [ { title: "Mark 1", inline: "span", classes: "mark1" }, { title: "Mark 1 invers", inline: "span", classes: "mark1invert" }, { title: "Mark 2", inline: "span", classes: "mark2" }, { title: "Mark 2 invers", inline: "span", classes: "mark2invert" }, { title: "Mark 3", inline: "span", classes: "mark3" }, { title: "Mark 3 invers", inline: "span", classes: "mark3invert" }, { title: "Mark light", inline: "span", classes: "markLight" }, { title: "Mark light invers", inline: "span", classes: "markLightInvert" }, { title: "Mark dark", inline: "span", classes: "markDark" }, { title: "Mark dark invers", inline: "span", classes: "markDarkInvert" } ] }, { title: "Prices", items: [ { title: "Price 1", selector: "p", classes: "price1" }, { title: "Price 2", selector: "p", classes: "price2" }, { title: "Price Subtext", selector: "p", classes: "priceSub" } ] }, { title: "List", items: [ { title: "List Round", selector: "ul", classes: "listround" }, { title: "List Square", selector: "ul", classes: "listsquare" }, { title: "List Check", selector: "ul", classes: "listcheck" }, { title: "List Arrow", selector: "ul", classes: "listarrow" }, { title: "List Star", selector: "ul", classes: "liststar" }, { title: "List Asterisk", selector: "ul", classes: "listasterisk" }, { title: "List Plus", selector: "ul", classes: "listplus" }, { title: "List Minus", selector: "ul", classes: "listminus" }, { title: "List Lines", selector: "ul", classes: "listlines" }, { title: "List 2 cols", selector: "ul", classes: "list2cols" }, { title: "List 3 cols", selector: "ul", classes: "list3cols" }, { title: "List 4 cols", selector: "ul", classes: "list4cols" } ] }, { title: "Numbers", items: [ { title: "Numbers Big", selector: "ol", classes: "listNumberBig" }, { title: "Numbers Round", selector: "ol", classes: "listNumberRound" }, { title: "Numbers Square", selector: "ol", classes: "listNumberSquare" }, { title: "Numbers Lines", selector: "ol", classes: "listlines" }, { title: "Numbers 2 cols", selector: "ol", classes: "list2cols" }, { title: "Numbers 3 cols", selector: "ol", classes: "list3cols" }, { title: "Numbers 4 cols", selector: "ol", classes: "list4cols" } ] }, { title: "Tables", items: [ { title: "Table CV", selector: "table", classes: "tableCV" } ] }, { title: "Buttons", items: [ { title: "Button", selector: "a,span", classes: "button" }, { title: "Button More", selector: "a,span", classes: "button buttonMore" }, { title: "Button Back", selector: "a,span", classes: "button buttonBack" }, { title: "Button Prev", selector: "a,span", classes: "button buttonPrev" }, { title: "Button Next", selector: "a,span", classes: "button buttonNext" }, { title: "Button Download", selector: "a,span", classes: "button buttonDownload" }, { title: "Button Contact", selector: "a,span", classes: "button buttonContact" }, { title: "Button Type 1", selector: "a,span", classes: "buttonType1" }, { title: "Button Type 2", selector: "a,span", classes: "buttonType2" }, { title: "Button Type 3", selector: "a,span", classes: "buttonType3" }, { title: "Button Size 1", selector: "a,span", classes: "buttonSize1" }, { title: "Button Size 2", selector: "a,span", classes: "buttonSize2" }, { title: "Button Size 3", selector: "a,span", classes: "buttonSize3" }, { title: "Button Size 4", selector: "a,span", classes: "buttonSize4" }, { title: "Button Size 5", selector: "a,span", classes: "buttonSize5" }, { title: "Button Full Width", selector: "a,span", classes: "buttonFullWidth" } ] }, { title: "Links", items: [ { title: "Scroll to element", selector: "a", classes: "scrollTo" }, { title: "Lightbox", selector: "a", classes: "lightbox" } ] }, { title: "Font size", items: [ { title: "", inline: "small" }, { title: "", inline: "big" }, { title: "X-Smaller", selector: "h1,h2,3,h4,h5,h6,li,p,span,div", classes: "x-smaller" }, { title: "Smaller", selector: "h1,h2,3,h4,h5,h6,li,p,span,div", classes: "smaller" }, { title: "Normal", selector: "h1,h2,3,h4,h5,h6,li,p,span,div", classes: "normal" }, { title: "Bigger", selector: "h1,h2,3,h4,h5,h6,li,p,span,div", classes: "bigger" }, { title: "X-Bigger", selector: "h1,h2,3,h4,h5,h6,li,p,span,div", classes: "x-bigger" } ] }, { title: "Info-Boxes", items: [ { title: "Box 1", selector: "p,div", classes: "infoBox infoBox1" }, { title: "Box 2", selector: "p,div", classes: "infoBox infoBox2" }, { title: "Box 3", selector: "p,div", classes: "infoBox infoBox3" } ] } ], templates: [ ], }); }